Titanfall Franchise Terminated by Respawn

Supporters behind the Titanfall franchise were disappointed to learn that Respawn Entertainment isn’t working on the 3rd entry into this series. This follows after Apex Legends performed considerably better than its predecessor, with Apex sustaining itself with the Titanfall universe. This means that though Respawn Entertainment has terminated the Titanfall franchise, the mythology of this futuristic universe is still maintained within Apex Legends. That means there is still hoped to see Titans enter Apex Legends, which would drastically alter how multiplayer battle royale matches are experienced.

Dedicated fanatics behind the Titanfall Franchise weren’t shocked by the announcement that this series was cancelled. Drew McCrory, the Lead Designer behind Titanfall Two, revealed that a 3rd entry wasn’t currently in development. That led multiple fans to speculate that Electronic Arts had demanded Respawn Entertainment cancel all future entries in this franchise. There wouldn’t have been much debating behind this decision, with both parties agreeing to move forward with Apex Legends after it exceeded the player base of Fortnite. Millions are being earned monthly via the updated version of Titanfall, which is considerably higher than its predecessor.

IGN Reporters questioned Vince Zampella on the existence of a 3rd entry. He revealed that the possibilities behind another sequel weren’t entirely axed but that the main focus is Apex Legends moving forward. Under the condition that Titanfall mythology grows within this cohesive franchise, Respawn Entertainment will be provided with the opportunity to design the third edition of Titanfall. Considering that Vince Zampella is the Founder & Creator of the original Call of Duties, whatever his latest studio creates next will be played by millions.

New Titans in Apex Legends

Vince Zampella also revealed through his various interviews with IGN that there are plans to release extensive updates in the Titanfall lore. He also noted that Season Five of Apex Legends would bring the first introduction of Titans into their battle royale shooter. Titans have remained a whisper promised to play and desired by core fans. Considering that Apex Legends Season Five doesn’t begin for another month, these supporters still have to wait for an updated announcement on which Titan is being inducted into AL.