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Accessories for PC Gaming Part 1

They say a bad workman blames his tools. Over the following two weeks, articles will be posted steering you towards the best accessories for PC gaming, so that your “tools” never let you down. Headsets HyperX Cloud

PUBG Remains Among the Top Even with Fortnite

We get it if massive games such as GTA5 and PUBG have to die down eventually, especially since there are so many new computer and mobile games being released. However, it’s now been like six years, and

Games on Apple Watch – Best Games

Most would think the Apple Watch is just there for fitness tracking and getting notifications for messages, emails and all the rest they do. However, there’s so much more you can do on the watch, ranging from

PC vs. Mac Gaming – What’s the Difference

A question that’s always popular among gamers is whether gaming on a Mac is as good as it is on a PC. Are the features as good and can you upgrade a Mac always to provide the

Samsung A80 is Best for Gaming

Mobile company leader Samsung has recently released a whole new range of mobile phone called the A-series. It begins with an A30 and goes right through to the A80, offering new phones with excellent features. Sure, they

Play Free Mobile Casino Games

Mobile games are available in various categories and have expanded to provide similar graphics and features to what we see with PC games. When you look at mobile variations of games such as PUBG and GTA, it’s

Gaming on Tablets vs. Smartphones

Tablets are much bigger than smartphones, have bigger screens and usually offer the same screen quality as the latest smartphone devices. So, why aren’t we using these more for gaming? Imagine playing games such as PUBG on