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PS4 Games to get you through August

As hard as it is to believe, the PS4 launched over six years ago. Since then, many games have been released, making it hard to filter through and decide what to play. In this article, I’ll list

Cloud Gaming Platforms

Stadia This is a game streaming service that will be offered by Google in its attempt to be the market leader in this area of expertise. Naturally, because “Google” is associated with it, most are already considering

The Whisperings of Cloud Gaming

Many famous companies are well known and market leaders in the gaming fields. You have Sony who developed the PlayStation and Microsoft with their Xbox, and then giants in other areas, like Walmart, Google and Amazon, who

Gesture Gaming’s Future

Originally this was going to be a related and informative article of the PlayStation 4 Eye vs Xbox one Kinect, but seeing that Microsoft has decided to kill the connection and with it the hopes and dreams

Best PC Puzzle Games 2019

As gamers, we often focus on the mind-numbing shooter games, or fast-footed football PC games, which are very captivating and enthralling and they can keep you busy for hours. But now and then it is beautiful to

What is Fortnite

For those of you who are new to the PC gaming world, Fortnight is PC game designed and produced by Epic Games and was released in 2017. It hosts three different game modes which cater to all

Top PC games in the 1st half of 2019

As we enter July, we enter the second half of the year, where has the time gone? As we get older time seems to speed up, all I can suggest is that you keep yourself young by

The new mobile game fixation

First, it was the books, capturing the attention of people all over the world, then it was the movies and the merchandise, but now Harry Potter has hit the mobile game scene with Harry Potter: Wizards Unite.

Attacks on Gamers

Gone are the days where Gamers had to fear attacks from the bullies on the playground, being wedgied by the senior rugby team, or having a “nerd” sticker secretly patted on your back by the netball squad.

Accessories for PC Gaming Part 2

Last week we looked at some of the best headsets, mouses and keyboards for your gaming setup. With part two, we get into even more detail with the latest and greatest in gaming. Not only we do